Coaching Unlimited Operates as a registered charity through Western Sydney University
Our ambition is to support First Nations coaches achieve their goals – be it reaching the highest level of their chosen sport or becoming an inspiring role model for their communities.
We are seeking donations to provide direct support to:
Providing educational opportunities for First Nations peoples to gain national coaching qualifications via culturally safe workshops in the sport of their choice
Equipping coaches with formal coaching and health promotion skills that will be reinvested within their communities
Bringing First Nations and non-Indigenous people together to develop coaching and broader support networks for mentorship, career progression, and community connectedness
Mentoring First Nations coaches as they progress in coaching roles
Promoting First Nations peoples strengths and successes in sporting and community contexts
Employing First Nations peoples to present at Coaching Unlimited workshops
Researching the impact of Coaching Unlimited programs within the community and helping \ generate new innovative research projects in the field of First Nations sport participation
What your donation can do:
$85 = covers the cost of introductory coaching accreditation for one person
$135 = covers the cost of intermediate coaching accreditation for one person
$350 = covers the cost of an introductory coach accreditation for one person as well as accommodation and transport to the event
$3,500 = 1 x introductory coaching workshop for up to 10 people held in urban, rural, or remote location (covers the cost of coach accreditation, facilitators, accommodation, transport, and catering for the day)
$5,000 = 1 x intermediate coaching workshop for up to 10 people in urban, rural, or remote location (covers the cost of coach accreditation, facilitators, accommodation, transport, and catering for the day)
$10,000 = coach accreditation and mentoring for up to 10 people from one community club throughout a sporting season (covers the cost of coach accreditation, video/audio recording of training sessions, mentor meetings, and transport)